So my lovely middle child.....sigh......yup. It's Wednesday and I'm at work. Me and Carmen are blowing each other out......wait wait wait's early, let me reword that. and Carmen were tag team blowing each other no no....honest, it's not like that. I should probably explain before I sign myself up for a 1-900 number here.....okay so there's this HAIR treatment, like the hair on top of your HEAD and it's called a "blowout".....yeah, not the best choice of terms but basically you use a BLOW dryer to blow the curls OUT....hence, blowout. Got it? Okay so there we were, mid blowout (stop giggling) and Barry walks into the shop. Now, he looks like either someone has died, or maybe he was fired, or maybe he saw the dent I put in the back of the flex (just kidding honey, that was my mom), or maybe he finally saw the receipt from the last pair of boots I bought....anyways....he looks very upset. He demands to speak to me in the back room and says he's on his way to pick up Kohen from school. Awesome. AND that Kohen has been kicked off the bus........for uttering threats. Now, Kohen is six, and a boy, so I'm a little confused for a minute about what types of "threats" he'd be saying to get him into so much trouble. I mean, at our house, the boys threaten each other all the time......threats of punching each other and taking away toys and kicking and smacking........but our darling didn't threaten any of no....Kohen told another student he was going to "stab you with a knife". Yeah. He went there. The other detail......he told this to a kindergarten girl. A little sweet girl in kindergarten....probably wearing a sweet little floral dress and pigtails. Stab you with a knife.
*crickets chirping*
Yeah. I didn't know what to say either...all though, upon telling this story to people at the salon, I had one person remark "Awwwww he's got a crush!!" which actually made me laugh pretty hard. But I guess they suspected he may actually HAVE a knife....which, knowing Kohen, anything is possible. He was searched and his backpack was searched and
okay, the note made me laugh out loud.